Monday, June 4, 2018

A Visit to the Eye Doctor

Or as Kadee liked to call it the "eye co-ter". I think she thought I was saying "helicopter"..

We had to visit the eye doctor because I keep noticing more and more that Kadee's right eye keeps wandering up into the top side.

I've been concerned about it for a long time but Kadee has been passed around between 3 different primary care doctors and each of them have just said, "Well, we will just keep an eye on it." And I did. And I watched it get worse. So I just called and asked for a referral myself. Luckily, the last primary care doc we saw had no problem with just doing that for me. And I'm very glad I did.

We had a bit of a wait at the beginning of Kadee's visit and then we had to wait again in the middle because they put atropine drops in her eyes, so Kadee had plenty of time to play around.

 We saw a couple different "co-ters" at this visit, but all of them said that it was good I brought her in. The biggest concern is amblyopia, where one of the eyes actually shuts down because of abnormal development. It's a big problem for Kadee because that is what my youngest brother has. His one eye is 20/200 because it we didn't catch it early enough. So I have been keeping a careful watch on Kadee. But for now she is just supposed to wear an eye patch for 2 hours every day. She actually has been super fabulous with this.... well... until recently. But she's almost 2 so I can't really blame her for not liking a patch over her eye. When she got the patches, the first thing we taught her to do was to say "Rrrr!" like a pirate. She's a pretty talented pirate baby like that. Kadee calls it her "eye sticker". I guess that makes it more fun in her mind.


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