Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Summer Updates

Wow. Moving twice and a baby have put me way behind again. UPDATE TIME!

Well, in June, we decided to just pack everything up and move our stuff to Utah while Spencer was at officer's training. BECAUSE we found out we were being assigned to Grand Forks, North Dakota. So We technically moved twice because we had to get our stuff from Oklahoma to Utah and then in October from Utah to North Dakota. But anyway.

Jackson, Kadee, and Mommy had fun staying at Grandma and Grandpa's while Daddy was gone all August and September working like crazy at officer training school (OTS) and only occasionally getting yelled at. Luckily we got to video call pretty much every day that he was gone for those 9 weeks. And we had plenty to occupy ourselves with so it wasn't too bad.

We all said "goodbye" to Elder Nate in June and then Spencer spent most of the early summer studying for the pharmacy board exams, which he did very well on, in July. We got a brief stay at the cabin in Panguitch and also enjoyed the Haslem reunion in Hanna. We had a little last hurrah with Daddy and visited the aquarium and the Natural History Museum. Then we sent Spencer off to Alabama to sweat his brains out. We also had Jackson's baby blessing along with Nate's farewell so it was a pretty packed weekend before everyone started heading off in different directions.

Not long after Spencer left, we got to welcome Uncle Tanner home from his mission in Mexico! It was fun for Kadee and Jackson to be able to spend some time with Tanner. Not too much though because he quickly took off to go to school at the U.

Mommy got to help the Union HS band occasionally and had fun doing that to help them get ready for the Home Coming parade.

Kadee got to have a super fun birthday party at Grandma's and take swimming lessons, and go camping with Grandpa B, and going to the corn maze with Grandpa Allen, and learn to play tennis with Grandma Carrie. She also enjoyed going to the library several times a week to check out books and to go to story time. It was fun when Aunt Debbie was the one doing story time. Kadee was also a good helper when it was our turn to clean the church with Grandma and Grandpa.

Mommy and Jackson got to travel a little bit with Grandpa B to accompany him to a football game (since he's the athletic director).

Kadee also really loved visiting Grandpa B at his school. She knew exactly where his candy jar was in his office. Imagine that. Pretty sure Kadee thinks she runs the high school because all those office ladies loved seeing her too. Jackson had fun too, even though it didn't always look like it.

And we all had fun watching Brynne play soccer. Even though it was pretty hot. A couple of times we had to stop by Rocky's Place to get shakes on our way to watch Brynne play soccer. We also enjoyed watching the Home Coming parade with the awesome signs we made. It was a bit cold for the parade but it was worth it. It was lots of fun still. PS, making cool signs gets you more candy from the clubs and teams!

Kadee and Jackson had no shortage of attention and love this summer and we are so glad we had that opportunity to spend time with family before our next big move to North Dakota! 

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