Since the Oklahoma City Temple is under reconstruction...renovation...whatever you want to call it - it's out of commission for a while - the next closest temple is in Dallas. So...Yesterday we got all packed up and drove down to Dallas to play for the night and then attend a temple session in the morning.
We ate dinner at an AWESOME Mexican place. Kadee was a little wary of the food because it was different but also probably because her mean Mommy and Daddy had her try a lemon first. It was pretty funny though.
But she LOVED the horchata! I knew she would.
After dinner we drove to the temple to walk around for our Family Home Evening. Kadee kept saying "Wook! Tempo! Wook! Tempo!"
Kadee was super excited for our trip because all she wanted to do was go swimming in the hotel pool. And that she did. I'm sure everyone within a block could hear her squeals of delight. She had fun in the pool but she really liked the hot tub...which should actually be re-named the warm tub because it was not hot at all. Kadee probably just thought it was a really big bath. She called the jets "water tickles".
Playing with the "water tickles"
Spencer and I took turns doing a temple session and staying with Kadee. I got to go first and then Spencer did a session after. She had breakfast with Daddy and went swimming again with Mommy. Kadee was pretty worn out by the time we headed home. She had lots of fun on our little trip. Mommy was pretty tired too! Good thing Daddy was driving home! And Mommy was happily surprised to find a distribution center at the Dallas Temple!
Glad you had a good trip!