Monday, June 4, 2018

Grandma & Grandpa Wallace Visit - Science Museum

We love visits! Kadee had a countdown for weeks while waiting for Grandma and Grandpa to come. We talked about it so much that she refined her words from "Mama" and "Papa" to something more like "Greema" and "Greepa". It's pretty sticking cute. And I'm amazed at how quickly she is able to learn things like that. So when Greema and Greepa finally made it Kadee was so happy! She was instantly spoiled with a Winnie the Pooh coloring book (which she loves).

Picking up Greema at the airport

Kadee likes doing the dishes, but she really likes doing the dishes with Grandma!

First adventure we went on was the Science Museum. We had never been before and we had so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa!!

Dress-up on stage

Grandpa tried to show Kadee how to do the puppets. She totally didn't get it.

Building cars!

Kadee probably could have played with the vacuum tube things all day. It was really fun to watch her figure it out.

This was so funny! Spencer thought it turned out creepy. I thought it was funny.

Needless to say, this one was a little dangerous. I think she eventually dried off though.

She called this the "pretty water" (Note her wet hair...)

I wish I got a video of Kadee in the kaleidoscope thing. She kept yelling "Whoa!" and saying "Wow, wow" over and over and shouting out different colors.

Just climbing. Per the norm.

 Kadee and Daddy trying to dock the space ship

Kadee actually did better on her own. Daddy was trying too hard.

She liked the balloon. She could reach the button that turned on the heat and made it go up.

The mirror maze was hilarious! Kadee ran straight into one of the mirrors and goes, "Nope!" and moved on. We laughed so hard. Actually it was kind of trippy in there. I just looked at the floor it made it way easier. Spencer was looking for all of the finger prints on the mirrors. That's how we got out.

Of course the fish

Grandpa got into the wind tunnel that simulates tornado winds. Kadee was very very concerned about Greepa because she could hear how noisy it was and she couldn't get to him.
Spencer tried it out with Kadee. It did not go well.

Grandpa figured out how to turn on the lights.

We also really liked the little carousel at the Science Museum, but we were all working too hard on that one to get a picture. One person had to generate the electricity to make it go around, another person operated the music, and 2 others powered the lights. I got stuck with the one that actually makes it go around. It was pretty wiped out after just a few minutes. But it was super cool!

And that's only the first day with Greema and Greepa!

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