I have been taking Kadee with me to teach music lessons since July. She didn't take long to get used to it. BUT some days are better than others. Today was one of those questionable days. I had already been having a not-good day with Kadee before we even left for lessons. She has been sick and grumpy. The sick part is getting better. The grumpy part leaves much to be desired. Luckily, the two lessons we had today were super nice and tried to help out with Kadee. The people we teach usually do, it's been very good for us. Today, Kadee just wanted her mommy to hold her. And.. well... this was the result.
Our lesson family was so good to point out how cute it was, snap the pictures, and say "Someday you'll love to look back on these and be so glad you have these memories."
So for now, we will keep trying with the lessons even though every day is not perfect. Wait.. Let me rephrase that. Even though every day is a different struggle with Kadee. None of our days are perfect, but we keep trying.
In the end, it is a HUGE blessing to be able to have Kadee with me and teach music lessons.
Yay! We're famous! Thanks for continuing to try! And she is cute.