You can go back and watch individual talks, or the whole thing, here,
Many of the speakers talked about The Family Proclamation.
There was a lot of emphasis on the family and finding joy in our trials. It was exactly what I was looking to hear.
President Uchtdorf gave 2 reasons we should turn to God; 1, your life will be better and 2, God will use you to help others lives be better. He said sometimes it fells our lives are more difficult because we are trying to live the gospel. Turning to God opens opportunities for God to help.
Sister Oscarson said that the essence of living the gospel is service. Heavenly Father may be placed those who need us most the closest to us. Her point was that we don't have to look far to find opportunities to serve. She said serving others is the noblest at home.
Elder Oaks talked a lot about The Family Proclamation. He reminded us that this life is the time to prepare to meet God.
Elder Pinegree talked about how there are specific things God has for each person to do in their life. He said the Lord has more in mind for your than you have for yourself. He said there were four things we should work on to find out what it is God would have us do. 1, to focus on others. 2, to discover and develop our spiritual gifts. Everyone is given gifts of the spirit, to some is given one to some is given another. 3, to make use of adversity. 4. to rely on God. He also reminded us that Satan seeks to distract us with less important matters in our busy lives. I really liked his talk.
Elder Christofferson said that we all have different needs to be strengthened through the Atonement of Christ. He said we also must internalize the qualities and characteristics of Christ. He quoted President Monson saying, "We are the product of all that we read, all that we hear, all that we see, and all that we think." I also really liked his talk.
Then Elder Holland talked about Christ's command to "be ye therefore perfect". He addressed how Satan has somehow managed to make commands of the gospel daunting and depressing as we strive for perfection but continue to fall short. He said, "here in mortality, perfection is still pending." Another very good talk.
Elder Stevenson - technology should be used to teach, uplift, and inspire others. We should not use it to rant or bring others down.
I also really appreciated Elder Cook's talk on humility and being careful of how we can become prideful to boasting on Facebook and other social media. It really made me think. It's interesting that we can find so much good in the internet and it's uses, but Satan also finds ways to turn it into distractions and even sin.
Sister Bingham asked the question, how do I find joy despite the trials of life? That was a talk I very much needed to hear.
Elder Bednar addressed how we can easily be distracted from things of eternity by our many busy lives and schedules. I liked his talk a lot.
Elder Waddell said that we cannot control the trials we have, but we have absolute control over the way we respond to trials in our lives. That was another talk for me.
President Eyring reminded us of the Savor's words "look unto me in every thought. Doubt not, fear not." He also admonished that we diligently follow prophetic council.
Elder Ballard spoke on our trek through life. He said as we walk the road of life, we are tested to see if we will fulfill all of God's commands.
Elder Callister gave a very powerful witness of the truth of the Book of Mormon. He said "God's fingerprints are all over the Book of Mormon."
Elder Koch - we have no right to portray anyone in a negative light.
Elder Ellis talked about how hard is good. He said, "I have learned some of the best lessons through the hardest times." He reminded us of the scripture in Doctrine and Covenants "..endure it well. ...All these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy good." Another great talk.
Elder Anderson gave a wonderful concluding talk! He summed up the whole conference beautifully!
One of my very favorite parts of Conference was in the Sunday morning session. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir sang "Dear To The Heart Of The Shepard". It has already been one of my favorite hymns but the version they sang in the conference was exquisite. So wonderful! The harmonies were amazing! I highly recommend going back to listen to that one!
Spencer shared,
My favorite thoughts from the Priesthood Session:
Elder Evans - we keep our testimony strong by constant nourishment - we have to act in order to maintain it
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