Minutes Old 4 Days Old 1 Week Old
Already more alert and we definitely know she has the lungs of a musician! I can't believe how fast this first week has flown by. I feel like all we do is feed her and change her diaper. That's it. All day long. We are getting more smiles out of her instead of just grumpy faces. We like to see more smiles.
Kadee gets the hiccups a lot. She did before she was born too. They shake her entire little body. I understand now why my stomach would "thump" so hard almost every night.
She has her days and nights backwards so we shall be working on that. She has been fantastic for me this morning. Last night left a little to be desired but she has been wonderful this morning.Pleasant and awake for longer than she has been all week. Plus she let me shower and do my hair.
More pictures from the week.
So sleepy after her follow up appointment!
We call this "happy times wiss Bwynne"
All snugly in her pj's
This is also part of "happy times wiss Bwynne"
Cuddles with Daddy
Brynne and I needed a little project last night so we made a one week celebratory cake for us to have today. Brynne did the piping, she's good at that. I helped make the cake and buttercream. It gave us something fun to do.
Mom and Brynne are headed back to Utah tomorrow morning. It has been wonderful having them here. Mom cooks for us and has cleaned my apartment. Plus she makes countless trips to Wal-Mart for this and that all week. Brynne is the baker, as shown by the cake. She also made us cookies earlier this week. I took it slowly with those because I'm still watching my blood sugar, but we have loved it! Both have been willing to help me by holding Kadee for any length of time. They are great. I will miss having them here.
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