Thoughts from Daddy:
Kadee sure is special! I always miss her when I'm gone at school or at work. We like to hang out together in the morning while Mommy is getting ready for the day. She likes when I hold her and bounce her gently, which will usually get her to calm down. I can't wait until she is old enough to respond to and play with me, but for the time being, I like to hold her and think about what kind of person she will become!
Thoughts from Mommy:
Kadee is my every day. I can't imagine myself without her now. Probably because she is the only thing that takes up my every minute of every day. But I sure do love her. Kadee likes to be held. We snuggle a lot. Sometimes I just can't help staring at her when I hold her. I can't believe that she really is here and she really is mine. Spending so much time with her has made it a little more real to me but it still blows my mind on a daily basis.
Kadee really is a good baby. She holds her own head up really well and sleeps pretty well..unless she has gas. This has been our biggest problem so far. When she gets super fussy she will still sleep pretty well IF she is being held. There have only been a couple of nights that we have spent together on the couch. However, she has this new thing where she will just randomly scream out. But she only does it while she is eating - so I totally don't understand! She just screams and then will chill out and go back to eating. It definitely makes things a little frustrating for both of us. Only..she is doing it to herself and I don't understand why. Sometimes it's a bubble...but usually it's just a weird outburst. I'm sure the neighbors think we're crazy or something. Other than gas.....not too much has bothered her. She started getting a goopy eye last night but I don't think it is any real problem. I'll just keep an eye on it and see if it clears up. It has already started looking better throughout today.
Spencer has been good to let me get out of the house a little bit. He will take her so I can run errands or even just shower. We are lucky that she doesn't have any problems with taking a bottle. This little girl has never had any problems when it comes to her Daddy is able to give me a little break now and then.
Apparently we like to sleep like a ballerina.