I am grateful that Brooke puts up with me so well and that my family has not had to bribe her too much to make her stick around. She's the best company I could ever have asked for. It sure puts a lot of pressure on me to be the kind of husband that she deserves.
Together, we have created a list of the many things we are thankful for.
- Family
- fantastic Parents (specifically)
- being sealed for eternity
- the Gospel of Jesus Christ
- Spencer!
- Brooke :)
- a warm, comfortable place to live
- Pell Grants!
- good jobs
- education at the U
- our fun ward
- running water in the kitchen
- our new car
- No payments on our new car
- being in good health
- Sunday Skype calls
- financial stability
- Aaron and Jayde serving missions
Love your list!!!