We were staying the night there with Grandpa Wallace's cousin Carol. She was so awesome! She let us hang around her place and helped us get the best seats in the house. She's been doing this for years and has picked out the best spots for seats. We just had to go down a little early to stake our claim :) (We saved almost 40 seats there! Carol takes big groups down.)
We did a little exploring too. We found a candy shop and got some candy (obviously) and ice-cream! We were also trying to wave at cars that drove past us while we were enjoying our ice-cream... but we only got one guy to wave back.
Dinner was good! The locals do a lot of cool stuff for the pageant, and I ate so much it felt like Thanksgiving at Grandma B's! But we made it to the pageant, had Carol's expertise in finding a good parking spot that was close and could still make a fast get-away, and then we enjoyed seeing the cast members walking around and talking to everyone.
Spencer missed this one. Our other picture didn't actually turn out. But it was still cool.
Us with Carol. We owe her! She is awesome!
The pageant was great! I really liked how they did the story and incorporated so much about liberty and freedom being a blessing from God in the American continent. (The girl from Bountiful who sang the National Anthem was flipping amazing! **sidenote**) They talked about Captain Moroni and then George Washington and then the Mormon Battalion. They tied it all together a lot better than I did just there. I only cried a couple times. I was crying right at the start though because they depict the first vision. I'm just a cry baby.
We weren't too tired afterwards, but the traffic is apparently ridiculous. So we stayed at Carol's and drove early the next morning. We made back for church with plenty of time to spare. We just crashed really hard after church.
Brooke you are living the LIFE! You are so awesome. Have to tell you (if your mom hasn't told you already. Shay was a stake YCL this year and when we had our testimony meeting she was going on and on about you. You were definitely a GOOD influence on her. Hope she always thinks about you when she makes decisions in life. Luv ya, Maria