The pizza turned out great though. The bread sticks did too. We had dinner and watched the first Lord of the Rings again, because I missed most of that one the first time we saw it. We didn't quite get all the way through though. To be continued on that one. And I think on the pizza night too :) We shall for sure do that again!
Good pizza. Hats of to Brooke for the bread sticks! Good movie too. Brooke is now pretty educated regarding the dealings of Middle-Earth!
Look Mom, I even had salad with it :)
More like, ''Look Mom, I let Spencer take ANOTHER picture of me, then I posted it!''
Well... you can tell who had the camera that time :)
Which pizza is more delicious? You can be the judge! *cough*the one on the left*cough*
I'm a pepperoni only girl myself!