We left Amarillo, Texas super early on Monday morning and drove 13 hours to make it to Orem by that same night. Kadee was a trooper! She did so amazingly well. Surprised me even with how well she did that whole time in the car. Sure we stopped a few times for a couple of minutes, but that little girl would entertain herself with book after book for hours. I had a tote box of books and magnets and coloring and flash cards and snacks and everything I could fit in there to keep her entertained. And it totally worked! Never traveling without an "entertainment box" again! But we were VERY happy to finally reach Grandma's house in Orem. We love staying there and visiting.
Poor Grandma tried to lie down on the couch for a few minutes and Kadee buried her with all the pillows she could get her hands on. She did it once another time while Grandma was sitting up. Kadee piled the pillows so high that Grandma could only barely see over the top.
Kadee enjoyed reading Christmas books with Grandpa. And, as per her usual, she still has an aversion to clothing.