First, Kadee and I walked over to meet Spencer at Institute. We have joined him for class the last couple of weeks. It has been good for us to get out, but we only have one more week of that left so we will enjoy it while we can. Spencer really likes being able to see Kadee during the day and show off his baby to everyone too.
Second thing on our agenda (and the biggest thing for us that day) was our appointment for Kadee's immunizations.
Without a doubt, we were definitely getting Kadee immunizations! People who don't are crazy. Spencer was watching a video of a baby with pertussis and he said it was so sad! All because their parents don't know what they're doing and are bring back diseases that have no reason to be around at all because there is a vaccine for that! Ok... rant over.
Poor little baby screamed once she figured out what was happening. She was a trooper though and didn't cry for long. Her Daddy had to hold her though because Mommy couldn't watch. She took hold of Spencer's shirt and didn't let go until we made her to undress her for the doctor. I think she felt safer holding on because that ensured that her Daddy didn't put her down. While we were waiting, Kadee quickly fell asleep on her Daddy's lap. We had shots first and saw the doctor second. So Kadee was completely asleep by the time the doctor walked in. Doc said she had never seen that before. Ha.
Kadee is now 24 3/4 inches long and weighs 13lb 15oz! She's getting too big way too fast! I just want her to stay little for longer than she is. Oh well. She is stinkin' cute so I guess we'll forgive her for growing up too fast.
That afternoon, the Pharmacy College was doing a family movie night thing. We decided it would be ok to walk over because Kadee wasn't acting grumpy at all from her shots. In fact, we never even gave her Infant's Tylenol or anything. She did great. The weather right now feels fantastic so we had a lovely walk. (Second walk of the day too.) We watched "Beauty and the Beast". The lecture hall works pretty great as a movie theater. There weren't a ton of people there, but there were a lot of treats and we had fun. Kadee behaved herself marvelously through the whole movie.
The walk there. Showing off.
The walk home. So curious.