It all turned out well in the end, but it sure was difficult! Most importantly my grades are still where my scholarship will cover my last semester, so that takes a load off. Graduate school applications have been pretty rigorous as well, but I am hoping for some interviews soon. If not, I plan to take a few more classes to better qualify myself, then try it again. I am optimistic though.
We are both very excited to be in our last semester of undergrad at the U. I will be done once I get my bachelors. Spencer is going on to get a PharmD/PhD. He has already applied to graduate schools and we are just waiting to see where he gets accepted. We are hoping that he gets in at the U so we don't have to move and leave our ward, but we know that things will work out for the best. I'm just hoping I will be able to find a teaching job wherever we end up.
It has been very exciting though. The end is near! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it is very much welcomed and anticipated. The future seems scary and exciting all at the same time. It is fun to talk about what might happen if we end up in different places. Planning and talking together has been the highlight of my New Years.
I am so grateful to both of our families for all they do for us. We got spoiled over Christmas. By all of our families. Grandpa B cooked two prime ribs and a ham on Christmas Eve! Spencer has never eaten so much meat at one time. It was great. We also got some awesome gifts from Tanner and Nate. Spencer now has 7 pairs of cuff links. He quite likes them. And I think my dad is not so hinting at wanting to go camping with us because we got a tent last year and now we got sleeping bags, a lantern, and he gave us a giant cooler. Allen and Carrie spoiled us too. They got us a Costco membership and rented a cabin in Eden for New Years. We enjoyed that time with all the Wallaces this week.
It has been a great year, but I am really really looking forward to this next one.