This is our neighborhood.
And here is the building where we live.
The following are a few pictures of the OU Children's Hospital where I work.
Then I walked around to get some pictures of campus.
This is part of the library on campus.
Outside of the library on campus.
This is a view of the whole medical complex. The VA you can barely see on the left, the Children's Hospital is the big one in the center. The one on the right (behind the trees) is the main OU Medical Center.
State Capitol Park Pictures
(we live very close to here)
It says 'Oklahoma Historical Center', but in front it says something about the Judicial Center.
Judicial Center thing again.
If I remember correctly from our tour, he's called 'the Protector'. I don't know why he faces South though.
View to the West
Better view to the West
This is a tribute to all of the Indian Nations living in Oklahoma. It is North of the Capitol.
View to the North. You can barely see some tall buildings way out there.
Located on the North side of the Capitol
View to the East
Another view to the West
View to the South. That one tall building downtown is the only way I can orient myself.
Veteran's Memorial, North of the Judicial Center building thing.
This is the sidewalk to the Capitol that I use for my running route. (but from this view the Capitol is behind me)
And then the bugs (I don't know what else it would be) make weird noises in the trees that scared me the first time I heard it while I was running.