February 23
This weekend has been mostly studying so far. (I had to take a break!) Nothing very exciting has happened. We did however get a lot of snow. But the only thing that does is prevent Spencer from riding his scooter, and he is not very happy about that. Especially with gas prices rising the way they are...
But it has been good to feel like I'm ahead of myself in the studying department. It has been nice. Makes things not so stressful. Although... I've never heard of midterms not being stressful. That's just how they go. So, because we've been working on school and haven't really done anything else, we are totally just going to order pizza tonight. Who feels like cooking after studying all day? :) But Spencer is amazing and he still got the laundry going today. Yay! Thank you!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Saturday night I got a text from my cousin Brandon. It said something like "Do you and Spencer want to go to the Utah Symphony tonight?" And I was thinking "What? YES!" haha. So Brandon and Sarah hooked us up by getting us a gig where we got to the Utah Symphony an hour early and work as greeters and the door and then get to watch the Symphony as result of our "work". Pretty cool. The two of us stood at the front doors of Abravanel Hall and would open them as people came up and said stuff like "Welcome to the Symphony", "Thank you for coming tonight", "Enjoy the program". Yeah, stuff like that.
Brooke kept saying, ''I don't know, maybe we should just stay closer to home.'' Then she looked it up and saw what they were performing. From that point it was settled! They played the ballet music to ''Romeo and Juliet'', then this guy played a concerto with his left hand, apparently it was a piece commissioned by a Russian pianist who lost his right arm in a war. Very interesting.
One guy just walked up, pointed to both of us, and with a big enthusiastic voice said, "You two have great smiles!" I liked that guy.
And then we got to watch the Utah Symphony
We got a VIP treatment; we had awesome seats and were treated to a special guest refreshment ...thingy... during intermission. It was because Sarah's aunt is Lona May and has some significance to the Utah Symphony that I actually don't know about. (I'll ask Sarah some time.) So it was really cool.
I liked the refreshments. Especially the ''cake cubes'', which Brooke says was a very accurate description.
It was super cool. At the end, they played Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty Waltz in honor of Valentine's Day. It was so awesome! I think by that point Spencer was all Symphonied-out, but I loved it!
I enjoyed the music. I just get tired after sitting in one place for more than an hour.
We got some cool pictures in the foyer too.
This is the awesome blown glass thing. I wonder how long it took to make...
Awesome view, especially with the temple back there.
A nice pic with ''the better half''
Our First Valentine's
Valentine's Day started the night before for me. When I got home from work on Wednesday night, I found this sitting on the table waiting for me.
Spencer got me roses, chocolate AND balloons, which I think are super cute! Well, all of it is super cute. I was pretty surprised though because I was definitely not expecting anything that night. I guess he just couldn't wait. ;) The note he left me was the best part of all.
On Valentine's Day, he kinda surprised me again. Because when I came to the kitchen that morning he was like poised to attack with a camera.... and got this shot.
I'm an expert photographer I must say. Although she usually comes after me when I take these pictures!
To surprise him back, I decided to give him a heart-attack. Yep. That would definitely be a surprise. Actually, I've given Spencer a heart-attack once before. But this time I did it all by myself. I had a lot of help the first time. So in between my classes, I sat in the music lounge and cut out tons and tons of hearts and wrote stuff all over them. Then I went home after Spencer had left for work and before I had to go to work to leave him his heart-attack. When I was done, this is what it looked like:
-Spencer Wallace (after turning around and seeing this)
I liked this part!
I had a LOT of fun with it. :)
Valentine's continued the next day. I had time to make the traditional Valentine's Day Sugar Cookies. (thanks for your recipe Mom!) They turned out really awesome for me. I love this recipe because the cookies stay super soft.
Spencer then took me out to PF Chang's for dinner. I love Chinese. But I got to choose so... it's an all around win. haha. Dinner was fantastic. I really liked the place, and the food was really really good too. It's pretty close to us as well (could be bad). We had to wait for a while because it was pretty busy. (Spencer has decided he is going to take me out to dinner the weekend before Valentine's from now on.) We found ways to entertain ourselves though. We played tic-tac-toe for a while, then the dot game (I don't know if that's its really name...), then we took turns drawing a "picture". I don't really know what it turned out to be but it was fun.
All together it made a great Valentine's!
Spencer's Birthday
"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Dear Spencerrrr. Happy Birthday to You!"
We celebrated Spencer's birthday over the weekend in Roosevelt with our families. But on his birthday I decided to get up before he did and make a really big breakfast. We both had to work that night so there really wasn't much else we could do.
That breakfast was fantastic. Although I must point out that getting up before I do is not that hard. The breakfast, on the other hand, was awesome.
Judging from his expression, I would say he liked it. Especially since it is hard to get any kind of expression from Spencer when it is early in the morning. haha
I'm Spencer Wallace and I approve the above message.
Next time, I will be more prepared and make him a birthday cake. It is a good thing we had cake with his family and then again with my family.... because I never found time to make Spenc a cake. ........fail. Luckily, I had a chance before work on Monday to do a little shopping so I had his present in time for morning.
But Happy 22nd Spencer!
We celebrated Spencer's birthday over the weekend in Roosevelt with our families. But on his birthday I decided to get up before he did and make a really big breakfast. We both had to work that night so there really wasn't much else we could do.
That breakfast was fantastic. Although I must point out that getting up before I do is not that hard. The breakfast, on the other hand, was awesome.
Judging from his expression, I would say he liked it. Especially since it is hard to get any kind of expression from Spencer when it is early in the morning. haha
I'm Spencer Wallace and I approve the above message.
Next time, I will be more prepared and make him a birthday cake. It is a good thing we had cake with his family and then again with my family.... because I never found time to make Spenc a cake. ........fail. Luckily, I had a chance before work on Monday to do a little shopping so I had his present in time for morning.
But Happy 22nd Spencer!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Trip to Roosevelt
February 9, 2013
First off - Today is Carrie's birthday! Yay! Happy Birthday Carrie.
To celebrate the occasion we drove out to Roosevelt to stay with family.
Today Spencer took me cross-country skiing. I had never been before and Spencer is like pro. So we found his very first pair of boots and skis... they totally fit me... he was like 11... and that is what I wore. We drove over to the golf course and Spenc showed me what to do and we just kinda took off. It wasn't too bad. A little different, but I sorta started to get the hang of it. I think Spencer had to just be very patient with me because I was pretty slow at first. I only fell on one knee... twice :) So I figure that is pretty good for the first time.
Tonight Allen and Carrie are making dinner and my family is coming over too. It already smells good. We shall put pictures up as we take them.
Tomorrow, my family, namely Cache..and Jayde, want us to make them pretzels while we are over there. We will be spending most of Sunday with them so it is a possibility :) Spencer and his pretzels are going to become famous.
First off - Today is Carrie's birthday! Yay! Happy Birthday Carrie.
To celebrate the occasion we drove out to Roosevelt to stay with family.
Today Spencer took me cross-country skiing. I had never been before and Spencer is like pro. So we found his very first pair of boots and skis... they totally fit me... he was like 11... and that is what I wore. We drove over to the golf course and Spenc showed me what to do and we just kinda took off. It wasn't too bad. A little different, but I sorta started to get the hang of it. I think Spencer had to just be very patient with me because I was pretty slow at first. I only fell on one knee... twice :) So I figure that is pretty good for the first time.
Epic fail with pictures... but this is Spencer getting his ski boots on :)
I also don't think he knows that I took this pictures.
Tonight Allen and Carrie are making dinner and my family is coming over too. It already smells good. We shall put pictures up as we take them.
Tomorrow, my family, namely Cache..and Jayde, want us to make them pretzels while we are over there. We will be spending most of Sunday with them so it is a possibility :) Spencer and his pretzels are going to become famous.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Good Thing We Have Lots of Blankets!
We think we are pretty stink'n cool. So last week in Sacrament Meeting, one of the Bishopric was speaking and mentioned something about a family home evening where they all made blanket tents and "pitched them towards the temple" and then had "King Benjamin" preach to them. Spencer turned to me and asked "Can we?!"
So... It wasn't exactly all family-home-evening-like. But we did build our own blanket tent :) And then we watched Pirates of the Caribbean. Totally awesome.
We will most definitely do this again. While our backs can still handle laying on the floor :) haha
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